Titel: Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey.
Auteurs: B. Özen, A.J. Van Strijp, L. Özer, H. Olmus, A. Genc, S.B. Cehreli
Journal: J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;40(2):118-23. doi: 10.17796/1053-4628-40.2.118.
OBJECTIVES: The present study evaluated associated factors for developing early childhood caries (ECC) and Severe-ECC (S-ECC) in a group of children aged 24-71 months. Potential positive effects of early dental visit on formation of ECC is investigated as well.
STUDY DESIGN: This was a multicenter, cross-sectional study conducted at three governmental and university pediatric dentistry clinics in 408 preschool children who were randomly selected from a total of 4116 children. The questionnaires administered to the mothers by interview and intraoral examination performed by calibrated pediatric dentists. The children were evaluated in three groups according to their caries experience as who had caries free, ECC and S-ECC.
RESULTS: The following factors were significantly associated with caries formation: 1. Prolonged (i.e., >18 months) breastfeeding in preterm babies (OR=2.4) 2. Prolonged breastfeeding in children who started tooth brushing after 1.5 years of age (OR=3.7), 3. Sugar (p<0.001) and fruit-juice consumption (p<0.0001), and 4. Lack of periodic dental examination (p<0.05). Parental smoking habit does not significantly affect ECC development. Nocturnal bottle feeding and nocturnal feeding also affected S-ECC formation significantly (p=0.043 and p=0.005, respectively).
CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant difference between the children with caries and caries-free associated with the brushing initiation age started before or after 18 months. If a child is under the risk of multiple caries factors, it is very difficult to evaluate which habits affect the cariesformation or increase the severity of the caries lesions.